Saturday, September 21, 2019
Monday, September 7, 2009

President's Gallantry Award (1979)
Women of the Year Award (1980)
Asia Region Award for Drug Prevention and Control (1991)
Magsaysay Award for Government Service (1994)
Mahila Shiromani Award (1995)
Father Machismo Humanitarian Award (1995)
Lion of the Year (1995)
Joseph Beuys Award (1997)
Pride of India (1999)
Mother Teresa Memorial National Award for Social Justice (2005)
Friday, August 28, 2009
THE REAL HERO OF THE NATION Netaji Subash Chander Bose

Known as Netaji (leader), Mr. Bose was a fierce and popular leader in the political scene in pre-independence India. He was born on January 23rd 1897 in Cuttack as the ninth child among fourteen, of Janakinath Bose, an advocate, and Prabhavati Devi, a pious and God-fearing lady. A brilliant student, he topped the matriculation examination of Calcutta province and passed his B.A. in Philosophy from the Presidency College in Calcutta.
He was strongly influenced by Swami Vivekananda's teachings and was known for his patriotic zeal as a student. His parents' wishes kept him away from the Indian freedom struggle and led him into studies for the Indian Civil Service in England. Although he finished those examinations also at the top of his class (4th), he could not complete his aprecentship and returned to India, being deeply disturbed by the Jallianwalla Bagh massacre. He came under the influence of Mahatma Gandhi and joined the Indian National Congress (a.k.a. Congress). Gandhiji directed him to work with Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, the Bengali leader whom Bose acknowledged as his political guru.
Bose was outspoken in his anti-British stance and was jailed 11 (eleven) times between 1920 and 1941 for periods varying between six months and three years. He was the leader of the youth wing of the Congress Party, in the forefront of the trade union movement in India and organized Service League, another wing of Congress. He was admired for his great skills in organization development .
The Influence of Bose
Bose advocated complete freedom for India at the earliest, whereas the Congress Committee wanted it in phases, through a Dominion status. Other younger leaders including Jawaharlal Nehru supported Bose and finally at the historic Lahore Congress convention, the Congress had to adopt Poorna Swaraj (complete freedom) as its motto. Bhagat Singh's martyrdom and the inability of the Congress leaders to save his life infuriated Bose and he started a movement opposing the Gandhi-Irvin Peace Pact. He was imprisoned and expelled from India. But defying the ban, he came back to India and was imprisoned again!
Clouds of World War II were gathering fast and Bose warned the Indian people and the British against dragging India into the war and the material losses she could incur. He was the president of the Indian National Congress twice in 1937 and in 1939, the second time defeating Gandhiji's nominee. He brought a resolution to give the British six months to hand India over to the Indians, failing which there would be a revolt. There was much opposition to his rigid stand, and he resigned from the post of president and formed a progressive group known as the Forward Block (1939). The second World War broke out in September of 1939, and just as predicted by Bose, India was declared as a warring state (on behalf of the British) by the Governor General, without consulting Indian leaders. The Congress party was in power in seven major states and all state governments resigned in protest.
Subhash Chandra Bose now started a mass movement against utilizing Indian resources and men for the great war. To him, it made no sense to further bleed poor Indians for the sake of colonial and imperial nations. There was a tremendous response to his call and the British promptly imprisoned him . He took to a hunger-strike, and after his health deteriorated on the 11th day of fasting, he was freed and was placed under house arrest. The British were afraid of violent reactions in India, should something happen to Bose in prison.
Bose suddenly disappeared in the beginning of 1941 and it was not until many days that authorities realized Bose was not inside the house they were guarding! He traveled by foot, car and train and resurfaced in Kabul (now in Afghanistan), only to disappear once again. In November 1941, his broadcast from German radio sent shock waves among the British and electrified the Indian masses who realized that their leader was working on a master plan to free their motherland. It also gave fresh confidence to the revolutionaries in India who were challenging the British in many ways.
Fight For Freedom
The Axis powers (mainly Germany) assured Bose military and other help to fight the British. Japan by this time had grown into another strong world power, occupying key colonies of Dutch, French, and British colonies in Asia. Bose had struck alliance with Germany and Japan. He rightly felt that his presence in the East would help his countrymen in freedom struggle and second phase of his saga began. It is told that he was last seen on land near Keil canal in Germany, in the beginning of 1943. A most hazardous journey was undertaken by him under water, covering thousands of miles, crossing enemy territories. He was in the Atlantic, the Middle East, Madagascar and the Indian ocean. Battles were being fought over land, in the air and there were mines in the sea. At one stage he traveled 400 miles in a rubber dingy to reach a Japanese submarine, which took him to Tokyo. He was warmly received in Japan and was declared the head of the Indian army, which consisted of about 40,000 soldiers from Singapore and other eastern regions. Bose called it the Indian National Army (INA) and a government by the name "Azad Hind Government" was declared on the 21st of October 1943. INA freed the Andaman and Nicobar islands from the British and were renamed as Swaraj and Shaheed islands.
Bose wanted to free India from the Eastern front. He had taken care that Japanese interference was not present from any angle. Army leadership, administration and communications were managed by Indians only. Subhash Brigade, Azad Brigade and Gandhi Brigade were formed. INA marched through Burma and occupied Coxtown on the Indian Border. A touching scene ensued when the solders entered their 'free' motherland. Some lay down and kissed, some placed pieces of mother earth on their heads, others wept.
They were now inside of India and were determined to drive out the British. 'Delhi Chalo' (Let's march to Delhi) was the war cry. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki changed the history of mankind. Japan had to surrender. Bose was in Singapore at that time and decided to go to Tokyo for his next course of action.
Unfortunately, there was no trace of him from that point. He was just 48 and his death or disappearance is still a mystery. The Indian people were so much enamored of Bose's oratory and leadership qualities, fearlessness and mysterious adventures, that he had become a legend.
Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya

Madan Mohan Malaviya, the founder of the Banares Hindu University, was born on December 25,1861, at Allahabad, in a literate but financially poor family. Madan Mohan's education began at the age of five when he was sent to Pandit Hardeva's Dharma Gyanopadesh Pathshala. He matriculated in 1879 and completed law education but his earnest eagerness to serve the nation prevailed upon his legal profession.
He joined the Muir Central College and finally graduated from the Calcutta University in 1884. He was appointed as a teacher in his old school on forty rupees a month and soon became popular among his pupils. As there were no rules in those days preventing government servants from attending political meetings he attended the second Congress session held in Calcutta in 1886 and delivered a speech which held the audience spell-bound. A. 0. Hume the General Secretary of the Congress made a very appreciative reference to it in his annual report. Soon after his return from Calcutta he was offered the editorship of the Hindi weekly, the Hindustan . He also edited another weekly, the Indian Union. Malaviya wanted to devote himself entirely to the service of the country. The legal profession did not attract him though he studied law and passed the LL.B. examination in 1891.
On account of his services to the Congress, he was elected its President in 1909, 1918, 1932 and 1933. However, many nationalists raised eyebrows over him, when he laid the foundation of Hindu Mahasabha in 1906. But at no point of time during the freedom struggle was he neglected by contemporary leaders. He was invited to the Round Table Conference in 1931.
Owing to his arrest by the Government of India, he could not beside over the 1932 and 1933 sessions which had been banned. Perhaps, he tried to popularise the national cause more than many other leaders.
Although he was a strong supporter of the Congress he founded the Hindu Mahasabha in 1906. It was established, according to its supporters, to oppose not the just claims of the Muslim community but the "divide and rule" policy of the British Government. Malviya became a High Court Vakil in 1893. He always gave preference to public work over his legal work. He virtually withdrew from the legal profession in 1909 but he made an exception in 1922 in regard to the appeal of 225 persons condemned to death in connection with the Chauri Chaura riots (Gorakhpur District, U.P.) on account of which Mahatma Gandhi suspended the civil disobedience movement, and saved 153 accused from the gallows.
Malaviya's zeal for public work made him realise the necessity of starting newspapers particularly in Hindi, for the education of the public. He started the Abhyudaya as a Hindi weekly in 1907 and made it a daily in 1915. He also started the Maryada a Hindi monthly in 1910 and another Hindi monthly, in 1921. He started the Leader, an English daily in October 1909. He was the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hindustan Times from 1924 to 1946.
In consequence of the active work that he did as Senior Vice-Chairman of the Allahabad Municipality , he was elected to the Provincial Legislative Council in 1902. The ability and independence which marked his speeches in the Council led to his election in 1909 to the Imperial Legislative Council, of which he soon became one of the most important members. He participated in the debates on important resolutions, e.g. those relating to free and compulsory primary education, the prohibition of recruitment of Indian indentured labour to the British colonies, nationalisation of railways, etc. He took a keen interest in the industrial development of the country and was therefore appointed a member of the Indian Industrial Commission in 1916.
In view of the non-cooperation movement started by Mahatma Gandhi in 1920, he did not seek election to the Indian Legislative Assembly in 1921. But he was a member of the Assembly from 1924 to April 1930. He resigned shortly after the salt satyagraha started by Mahatma Gandhi and took part in it. He supported the demand for the grant of full Dominion Status to India put forward by Pandit Motilal Nehru. He was invited to the Round Table Conference in 1931, but he inevitably returned dissatisfied with the attitude of the British Government.
The Benares Hindu University betrays the keen interest that he took in the education of the mind and the spirit. The importance that he attached to the economic development of the country made him combine the teaching of science and technology with that of religion.
Malaviya was a conservative in social matters. He believed in the 'Varnashrama Dharma' (caste system). He was, however, prepared to adjust himself to social changes in the country to a limited extent, but wanted to take the leaders of the Hindu community and the Benares pandits with him in matters of social reform. He felt strongly the injustice done to the depressed classes in connection with temple entry and pleaded their cause before the pandits in 1936. He also favoured the raising of the position of Hindu women.
Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan

Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan,also known as frontier gandhi, more than anything else, was a man of God who believed in service to the humanity as service to God. Any religion that provoked conflict and fomented hatred, divided people and destroyed the unity of mankind, Gaffar Khan condemned as not true religion.
Gandhiji was struck by Gaffar Khan's transparent sincerity, frankness and utmost simplicity. He was, in his view, a true Khudai Khidmatgar, Servant of God. He struck to the three prime ideals of life-amal, yakeen, muhabbhat--right conduct, faith and love
Born in the North-west Frontier Province in 1890, Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan missed the opportunity of going abroad for studies because his mother would not let him go. He started a number of national schools, so that the sturdy Pathans could first educate themselves. He organized the Pathans as the Khudai Khidmatgars-Servant of God-with brownish (or red) uniforms--they were called the Red Shirts.
Gaffar Khan attended the Karachi Congress of 1931. He was arrested along with his elder brother, Dr. Khan Saheb in 1931 and jailed in the Hazaribagh jail of Bihar . Gaffar Khan was a member of the Congress Working Committee (CWC). When the CWC adopted the Mountbatten Plan for the division of India , Gaffar Khan was the saddest man among his compatriots. He spent the major part of the rest of his life in Pakistan jails. He attended the Congress Centenary session in Bombay in 1985. He was honored with the Award of Bharat Ratna in 1987. He passed away on January 20, 1988. He was a Citizen of the World, who embodied the best in Indian Culture
Chandershekhar Azad

Chandra Shekhar was born on 23 July 1906 to Pandit Sita Ram Tiwari and Jagrani Devi. He received his early schooling in Bhavra. For higher studies he went to the Sanskrit Pathashala at Varanasi. Young Chandra Shekhar was fascinated by and drawn to the great national upsurge of the non-violent, non-cooperation movement of 1920-21 under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. When arrested and produced before the magistrate, he gave his name as 'Azad', his father's name as 'Swatantra' and his residence as 'prison'.
The provoked magistrate sentenced him to fifteen lashes of flogging. The title of Azad stuck thereafter. After withdrawal of the non-cooperation movement, Azad was attracted towards revolutionary activities. He joined the Hindustan Socialist Republican Army (HSRA) and was involved in the Kakori Conspiracy (1926), the attempt to blow up the Viceroy's train (1926), the Assembly bomb incident, the Delhi Conspiracy, the shooting of Saunders at Lahore (1928) and the Second Lahore conspiracy. Azad was on the wanted list of the police. On 27 February 1931, in the Alfred Park, Allahabad, when an associate betrayed him, well-armed police circled Azad. For quite sometime he held them at bay, single-handedly with a small pistol and few cartridges. Left with only one bullet, he fired it at his own temple and lived up to his resolve that he would never be arrested and dragged to gallows to be hanged. He used to fondly recite a Hindustani couplet, his only poetic composition: 'Dushman ki goliyon ka hum samna karenge,Azad hee rahein hain, azad hee rahenge'
Babasaheb Bhimrao Ranji Ambedkar

He helped spark a revival of Buddhism in India, a movement which is now known as Neo-Buddhism. He did his Ph.D. and Bar-at-Law from England in 1921 and began to practice law. Soon, he became famous in the profession.
Later, he decided to fight for the rights of the 'Harijans'. He attended the Round Table Conference in London as a representative of the depressed classes of India. On August 15, 1947, when India became independent, Jawaharlal Nehru became the Prime Minister and Ambedkar became the Minister of Law in his Cabinet. He was appointed as the President of the Constitutional Committee. He played an important role in the preparation of the Indian Constitution.
Seeing the pathetic condition of low castes, Dr. Ambedkar embraced Buddhism. He died in 1956.
Monday, August 17, 2009

DATE OF BIRTH & PLACE ----- January 15, 1956, Delhi
FATHER -------- Mr. Prabhu Das
MOTHER ------------ Mrs. Ram Rati
EDUCATION ----------- B.A., B.Ed., LL.B., education at Kalindi College,
University of Delhi (Delhi) and University of Meerut (Uttar Pradesh)
PROFESSION --------------- Political, Social Worker and Lawyer.
OTHER INFORMATION ---- Teacher, Delhi Administration, 1977-1984.
SPECIAL INTERESTS - Social service for the downtrodden and the Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes to organise weaker sections
of the society. Reading, gardening, urban development,
planning and labour welfare.
POSITION HELD 1 Elected to Lok Sabha for first time in 1989.
2 Re- elected to Lok Sabha for second time in 1998.
3 Re- elected to Lok Sabha for third time in 1999 &
Leader of B.S.P. Parliamentary Party in Lok Sabha.
4 Re- elected to Lok Sabha for fourth time in 2004
(Resigned on 26th June, 2004)
5 Elected to Rajya Sabha for first time in April 1994
(Resigned on 25th October 1996).
6 Re-elected to Rajya Sabha for second time in July 2004
& leader B.S.P. Parliamentary Party Rajya Sabha.
(Resigned on 5th July, 2007)
7 Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh for the first time from 03
June, 1995 to 18 October, 1995, 2nd time
from 21 March, 1997 to 21 September, 1997, 3rd time
from 03 May, 2002 to 29 August, 2003 and 4th time
from 13 May, 2007 to till date. Elected to Uttar Pradesh
Legislative Assembly for first time in 1996. Elected to
Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly for second time in
2002. (Resigned on 28th August, 2003) Elected to Uttar
Pradesh Legislative Council for first time on 29th June,
President of Bahujan Samaj Party.
Canada (Toronto), Denmark, France, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland (Zurich), Taiwan, U.K. (London and Wolver Hampton), U.S.A. (Orlando, Washington and New York).
"Bahujan Samaj Aur Uski Rajniti", October, 2000 (in Hindi)
"Bahujan Samaj Aur Uski Rajniti", October, 2001 (in English)
"Mere Sangharshmai Jivan Evam Bahujan Movement Ka Safarnama". January, 2006 (in Hindi)
C- 57, Indrapuri, New Delhi- 110012.
5, Kalidas Marg, Lucknow.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Sonia Gandhi’s son in Gang rape
a) IBN7
b) Dainik Jagran, Dainik Bhaskar
c) Punjab Kesari
d) Hindusthan Times (Hindi)
e) Times of India & Times now
f) NDTV (Hindi)
g) Aaj Tak
h) Star News
i) Nav bharath times
Sukanya Sukanya and his mother are said to be hiding in one of their Relatives House in Harayana. Our Sources in Lucknow say that "The Congress men have been ordered to kill them at sight before they come out in open or approach the president" .Congressman have been deployed at all 7 borders of UP & Delhi to trace both motherand and Daughter . Congressmen deployed at checkposts have been provided photographs of Sukanya. Door to Door Searching is on in Amethi and neighbouring Villages to track down them, and simultaneously the villagers are being warned and threathened if they provide protection to both mother and daughter. As per the information, both Mother and Daughter are alive (Updated information about 10:00 P.M IST 16/1/2007) and search is going on. There is likely that Congressmen and Congress Governments in other states are secretely been instructed to track them down and hand over to them at the earliest. We have no information like who is contacting the president on behalf of them. We are trying to gather information from our people in New Delhi whether the Human Rights has seriously registered their Complaints. Our people are hesistant to to because there is a possibility that they may apprehend us and hand over us to the police or congressmen for questioning. Few Congress MLA'S from Uttar Pradesh are under tremendrous pressure from the high command to Locate both mother and daughter and finish the needful.Secretly a reward has been announced by the Congress High Command if whosoever provides info or ...... Congressman from other districts and states are touring all over UP & Delhi. "I am sure they have decided to kill both mother and daughter."
IMPORTANT : Father of the victim Mr.Balram Singh has either gone underground or has been killed, he is not to be seen since 4th January 2007.
Elder who helped alleged rape victim of Rahul Gandhi was beaten in Amethi
1.GHIASUDDIN GHASI - Literal meaning of name-Kafir Killer. Mughal noble man who was the city Kotwal of Delhi.Persian ancestry. The British issued a shoot-at-site order to finish off all mughal noblemen who could be potential claimants for the throne of Delhi. This ethnic cleansing was done by Sikh and Gorkha soldiers with an efficiency, which only they are capable of. This muslim escaped from Allahabad and left for Agra. On way he was stopped by the British and asked to identify himself. He gave his name as Ganga Dhar. Dhar is a Kashmiri brahmin surname. When asked to explain his Persian features he told them he was a Kashmiri Brahmin. The British believed him. If they had investigated him properly the history of India would have been totally different.
2. MOTI LAL NEHRU - Son of Ghiasuddin Ghasi. Hindu only by name. Was a muslim like his father. He picked up a Persian word 'nahr'(canal or nullah) and added the sound 'oo' to make it sound like a Kashmiri Brahmin name. That was how the name Nehru was born.He was a totally unsuccessful vakil's assistant(mukhtear) in the Allahabad court. In utter desparation he worked as a pimp at 77,Mirganj,Allahabad which was in a red light area.
3. THUSSU - Innocent, poor brahmin girl from Kashmir.After the death of his first wife during delivery, Moti Lal went to Kashmir and married Thussu. He renamed her as Swarup Rani.This innocent girl was not aware of Moti Lal's evil designs.4. MOBARAK ALI - Very successful and prosperous lawyer from Allahabad. Moti Lal befriended him in order to get a job under him. On bringing Swarup Rani to Allahabad he immediately gifted her to Mobarak Ali. Mobarak Ali kept her in his house Irshad Manzil for his pleasure. When she became pregnant, Mobarak Ali asked Moti Lal to take her back. Moti Lal requested Mobarak Ali to have the delivery at Irshad Manzil as he was living in a brothel. But Mobarak Ali refused.As per Sharia Laws even a @#%$ has a right of inheritance if he is born in his father's house.So Moti Lal took Swarup Rani to the brothel at 77, Mirganj where the child was born.
5. JAWAHAR LAL NEHRU - @#%$ child born to Swarup Rani and Mobarak Ali. The Nawab of Oudh on hearing that this muslim child was living in a brothel, took him to his palace. Jawahar Lal lived in this palace from age 1 to 10. It was here that his circumcision ceremony took place. He was taught Persian and Urdu by the Nawab of Oudh. He never knew a word of Sanskrit or Hindi. Went to Trinity College,England. Came back and started an unsuccessful lawyer's practice in Malabar hill, Mumbai. Arrested by Mumbai police for molesting a Parsi girl working in his office. Went on to become the first prime minister of India. Famous womaniser. He once had a keep who was a catholic nun. When she became pregnant,the catholic church stepped in and helped him out by sending the nun out of India. Ever since, the Catholic Church has grown in India with a speed that has not been mathched anywhere else in the world. They used to black mail Jawahar Lal and got what they wanted. Jawahar Lal died of syphillis.
6. INDIRA GANDHI - Daughter of Jawahar Lal and Kamala Kaul. Her real name was MAIMUNA BEGUM. She was a practicing muslim throughout her life. She was once invited to Mecca by the King of Saudi Arabia. Only muslims are allowed to enter the city of Mecca. Even the Saudis knew the truth but the Hindus were kept in the dark for obvious reasons. Our p-sec journalists worked overtime to push the news of the invitation under the carpet. Once she told one of her lovers M.O.Mathai, secretary to Nehru,"I will never marry a Hindu. I hate them. "This explains why she never took any action to save the lives of the Hindus in East Bengal. This also explains why she always surrounded herself with anti-Hindus.
7. FEROZE GANDHI - Contrary to popular belief, he was not a Parsi. He was the son of a muslim, Nawab Khan, who was the liquor supplier at Moti Lal's brothel. His mother was a Parsi who converted to Islam after marrying Nawab Khan. In later years converted to christianity due to influence of his daughter-in-law Sonia Maino. His real name was FEROZE KHAN.
8. RAJIV RATTAN BRIJESH ROBERTO NEHRU GANDHI - Rajiv Gandhi was born to Feroze Khan(Feroze Gandhi) and Maimuna Begum (Indira Gandhi).His circumcision ceremony was conducted secretly. He was a muslim until Sonia Maino converted him to christianity. He went to Cambridge for his studies at the expense of the Indian tax-payer. He spent his time reading porn books and running after girls. Did not pass a single exam in three years. Was asked to vacate the hostel. Lived in the Indian High Commissioner's residence for the remaining period of his stay in England. Picked up a low class Italian girl for a one night stand. But the girl had other ideas. He never got a degree from Cambridge. Was made a pilot(without any licence) in India to impress the low class Italian girl whom he was planning to marry.
9. SONIA MAINO - Low class Italian village girl from the village of Orbassano near Turin in northern Italy. Her ambition in life was to become an 'au pair' girl. In plain English it means 'part time servant maid'.She had a get-rich-quick mentality which was typical of low class Italians. Someone suggested to her that she could go to Oxford or Cambridge where rich boys from all over the world were congregating for their education and they were looking for good looking young girls. This girl chose to go to Cambridge. If she had gone to Oxford, the Indian public would have been spared a lot of trouble. She went to Cambridge under the pretext of picking up some English which would be useful for her job as an au pair girl. She was picked up one night by Rajiv Gandhi from a Greek pizza place in a back-alley of Cambridge. The rest is history. She owns a shop named Ganpati in her native village of Orbassano on Regina Margherita Street, which is run by her sister Marouchka. To a visitor it would look as if they are dealing in Indian made trinkets associated with Hindu gods, like small figurines of Ganpati and pictures of Krishna as a baby.But they were actually selling original antique idols of Hindu gods stolen from Indian museums and Hindu temples in India.They have reduced the scale of business after the Italian police started investigating them. Her present financial empire leads all the way to Pablo Escobar,the head of the Colombian drug cartel. She exports coffins to a company called Tribute Caskets in Kansas City. A senior executive of this company Virginia Cover de Rodrigues is a very close friend. This woman owns a bank account code named Svenska into which the Bofors kick back money was paid. This Virginia is also a close friend of Manuel Noriega of Nicaragua.The president of the Vatican Bank Archbishop Paul Marcinkus who was doing money laundering for Escobar suddenly disappeared with a lot of money. The police were looking for him all over the world. He was safely sitting in no.10,Janpath doing in-house catholic services for Sonia Maino.
10. SANJAY GANDHI - @#%$ child born to Maimuna Begum(Indira Gandhi) and Mohamad Yunus. Went to England like his brother for studies, funded by the Indian tax payer. His original name was Sanjiv Gandhi. When he was about to be caught by the British police for stealing a car,a fresh passport was issued by the govt. of India with a new name Sanjay Gandhi, to escape arrest. When he was a boy his mother disappeared alongwith him for a couple of days. The excuse given was that the boy had a speech defect and had to undergo a surgery. This was one more lie from the family of congenital liars. The truth was that circumcision was done for Sanjay Gandhi and Indira Gandhi underwent an abortion to avoid the birth of the child sired by M.O.Mathai. In his later years he came across some photos of Indira Gandhi with Dhirendra Brahmachari in some compromising positions. Used to blackmail and physically assault his mother. Could have been assasinated by the Russians on a request from Indira Gandhi herself. The Russians would have gladly done it as Sanjay Gandhi was pro-American.
11. THE RANI OF ETAWAH - Dumb, stupid Hindu woman. On the death of her husband the Raja of Etawah, she found that she would have to part with her entire kingdom as she had no children. Asked Mobarak Ali and Motilal to fight her case. They asked her for Rs.500,000.00. This was a very, very big sum in those days. The Rani paid in full. They shared the amount between them and did not fight the case. The case was lost in the lower court. They then told the Rani that they would fight the case in the higher court. They took another 500,000.00.They split this amount also and did not fight the case.The case was lost in the higher court also. They then told the Rani that they would fight the case in the Privy Council in London. They demanded up and down plane fare, a fat fee for themselves and a fee for a British advocate to fight the case in London. The smart British advocate said that the Rani could get hold of an infant of the appropriate age and say to the entire world that she was pregnant at the time of the Raja's death. This idea worked and the Rani's kingdom was saved.This stupid Rani thought that Mobarak Ali and Motilal had saved her. She gave them a lot of money and gave Amethi,a part of her kingdom to Motilal. Ever since the members of the Nehru >family have been behaving as if Amethi is their private property. This was how Moti Lal bacme a very rich man. He bought Irshad Manzil from Mobarak Ali. Irshad Manzil in Persian means 'House of happiness'.Moti Lal changed the name to Ananda Bhavan which means 'House of happiness' in Sanskrit.Jawahar Lal was not born in this house as our pseudo secular historians would want us to believe.
12. MOHANDAS KARAMCHAND GANDHI - So called Apostle of Truth. Aided and abetted in spreading the biggest lie in the history of mankind. On thinking about this whole issue, I think we Hindus alone are responsible for this situation. How could a small family of muslims and Christians fool so many Hindus for so long and still continue to do it? I am reminded of what Abraham Lincoln once said,"You can fool some people all the time or all the people for some time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time". My sincere apologies to Arvind Ghosh, N.S.Rajaram and the people running for lifting almost everything from their articles.
Sonia Gandhi’s son in Gang rape

The following shocking information is being put up in the blogs so that the victim of gang rape involving Rahul Gandhi, will receive justice and will not be killed by the goons of Sonia Gandhi. Manmohan Singh the present prime minister of India is a nominee of Sonia Gandhi and would stall all police and public enquiries.
It was reported that on 3rd December 2006, Rahul Gandhi was camping at Amethi along with 7 others and were drinking liquor at a V.I.P. guest house at 9 PM, and the group then penetrated the vagina of one Sukanya Devi, age 24 with their penis. Sukanya Devi is the daughter of Congress worker Balram Singh who is a staunch follower of Sonia Gandhi. Ms.Sukanya’s house address is 23-12 Medical Choke, Sanjay Gandhi Marg, Amethi, Raebareli, UP, India. Sukanya was first forced to drink liquor before Rahul Gandhi and his 7 friends forcibly penetrated her vagina one by one. Sukanya cried for help, but her cries fell on deaf ears. Even the security personnel preferred to remain as mute spectators. Sukanya’s mother Sumitra Devi, who learnt about the whole incident immediately, went with her daughter to Police HQ in Amethi. The Police refused to book any complaint and advised her not to report it.. Sukanya Devi She went from pillar to post pleading for justice, but no one heard her pleas. Sumitra Devi gave a statement in a press conference with a very thin attendance and there she was confronted by Congressmen who physically assaulted both mother & daughter. On 27th December 2006 Sumitra Devi went to New Delhi to meet Sonia Gandhi but Sonia refused to meet her. With no options left she went to Human Rights Commission who just noted down her complaint and asked her to leave. Sukanya’s father Balram Singh beat Sukanya so badly that she was forced to run away with her mother. A Group of 1000 Congressmen roamed the town on that night and kept warning people to keep their mouth shut otherwise they will kill all of them. It all happened under the nose of the police who acted helplessly. The local media who learnt about this incidence next morning enquired from the local people the details of the incident. Both people and Police refused to speak anything and evaded any question. Reporters of Small and Medium Newspapers had shown interest in this incidence but it did not carry much weight. Major newspapers had heard about this incident, but did not take it seriously.
It looks like India is a BANANA REPUBLIC and the leading media never dared to report the matter. The Congressmen have threatened to kill both Sumitra Devi and her daughter Sukanya if the incident is made public. Both the mother and daughter are trying to seek justice and were trying to get an appointment with the President of India. They have not got an appointment either with the President or with the Chief Justice. Both mother and daughter are now in hiding. This is a serious charge against Rahul Gandhi and Congress Party. The Reporters of IBN7, Dainik Jagran, Dainik Bhaskar, Punjab Kesari, Hindusthan Times (Hindi), Times of India & Times now, NDTV (Hindi), Aaj Tak, Star News, and Nav bharath times who were present on 4th December to cover Rahul’s Trip in Amethi were given information about the rape incident. Independent Investigative journalists have formed a group to probing authencity of the incident and if any information on this case is available the public can email it It is a shame that the mainstream media is under pressure from Sonia Gandhi. During BJP rule, Rahul Gandhi along with his Columbian girl friend was detained by FBI at Logan airport in USA, for carrying large amount of drug dollars. Rahul Gandhi was released only after Vajpayee asked the Indian Ambassador to talk to Bush Administration. Two years back Rahul Gandhi went to Kerala with her Colombian Girl friend and stayed in Kumarakom (Taj hotel ) for a week in the same suite. Kerala police who are known for pimping for politicians stood guard for them. A Keralite has even filed a court case against Rahul Gandhi for immoral trafficking. The Rahul Gandhi incident is similar to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi’s son Stalin’s action with a muslim girl that was hushed up..
Nobody wants to comment on Rahul
'It's too hot an issue to comment upon,' said a senior Congress leader when asked about a cyber campaign against party president Sonia Gandhi's son ahead of crucial Uttar Pradesh polls, where Rahul is expected to be the party's star campaigner.
Rahul's lawyer Abhishek Singhvi has sent a legal notice to two people - Rohit Vyassman and E Z Bode who are apparently behind the blog that makes unsubstantiated and disparaging charges against the Amethi MP and his activities in his constituency.
'It is high time that civil society took note of this dirty campaign,' Singhvi said.
Congress leaders admit that such personal campaigns against Rahul had increased ever since media reports suggested that he would lead the Congress campaign in Uttar Pradesh.
'It shows the desperation in our opposition camp,' said a leader, who does not want to be identified.
Although the news item has been on the US-based website -, which claims to be the official website of the Bajrang Dal - for sometime, the legal notice was sent only early this week. Singhvi said it took a week's investigation to come across the names supposed to be behind the blog.
Incidentally, several websites - mostly foreign - have picked up the news item. Sources said the Gandhi family was furious at a 'perverted and nasty' campaign against the 36-year-old bachelor MP.
Although the campaign and the blogs had been brought to the notice of many senior Congress leaders, they were reluctant to respond to it earlier.
'It is true that we came to know about it. But we did not want to take up the issue. You do not what goes wrong in the Congress party, especially when the issue is about the Gandhi family,' admitted a party leader who requested that he be not identified.
Added another: 'No sensible Congress leader would make a comment nor would they take a pro-active role to counter it. One never knows when the issue could boomerang.'
Earlier, the US magazine Newsweek had to apologise after it claimed that Rahul Gandhi was not even a graduate and that he had never held a steady job in a multinational company as he claimed. Singhvi had sent a legal notice to the magazine challenging the report.